Sweet and spicy salmon
Main Dish

Belle’s Sweet and Spicy Salmon

I think one of the reasons I enjoy cooking is it’s always an evolving, growing and learning experience. There are dishes I have cooked for thirty years that I still find ways to make better and there are others that I realize I shouldn’t change even a pinch. One of my most successful creations has …

chocolate mint brownies

Belle’s Chocolate Mint Brownies

 deal with cooking and baking the same way Sally Field accepted her Oscar- “You like it! You really like it!” When that happens, it is almost guaranteed you will get that treat on a regular basis. I love it when people enjoy what I make. My husband loves his sweets, so I am constantly baking …

Toffee cookie bars

Belle’s Toffee Bars

An easy to make treat that is sure to satisfy any sweet tooth Tales of the Dinner Belle By Brenda Stanley My cookie fiend of a husband loves chocolate chip, but often he has half the dough eaten before I even get them into the oven. That’s why my toffee bars are perfect. They have …