Showing 163 Result(s)
Sweet and spicy salmon
Main Dish

Belle’s Sweet and Spicy Salmon

I think one of the reasons I enjoy cooking is it’s always an evolving, growing and learning experience. There are dishes I have cooked for thirty years that I still find ways to make better and there are others that I realize I shouldn’t change even a pinch. One of my most successful creations has …

Crispy Baked Cod
Main Dish

Belle’s Crispy Baked Cod

A tender and flavorful baked fish with a crispy fried coating Tales of the Dinner Belle By Brenda Stanley Fish is often an intimidating dish to prepare. If you overcook it, it can be dry and tough, and because it is quick to fix, the right amount of baking or frying can be tricky. I …

Grandma's spaghetti
Main Dish

Belle’s Grandma’s Spaghetti Sauce

Spaghetti sauce so good it’s been passed down for generations Tales of the Dinner Belle By Brenda Stanley I often talk about my grandmother and how much her cooking influenced my life. She had so many incredible recipes and signature dishes, but I think the one that most of her grandchildren remember was her spaghetti …